Baker McKenzie

Baker McKenzie ranks at the top of prestigious international legal rankings and is recognised as the world’s strongest law firm brand according to the Thomson Reuters Global Elite Law Firm Brand Index. For over 75 years, the firm has been renowned for its cutting edge combination of international reach and global knowledge with local know-how, diversity of practice and understanding of the changing global and local business environment.

Our people are committed to excellence and driven by results. By combining a multicultural, collaborative culture with deep sector and practice knowledge, we help clients navigate local markets and multiple jurisdictions — from the world’s largest economies to emerging players.

Our clients know they can rely on us to provide them with superior legal advice in more jurisdictions around the world than any other firm, but what really drives our most successful and lasting partnerships is our commitment to offering first-class value-added services that strengthen and enhance their own in-house legal and business teams.

In Poland, Baker McKenzie employs over 170 lawyers and tax advisors with experience in large and often pioneering transactions and projects for leading multinational corporations and domestic entrepreneurs and institutions.

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