In March 2020, in response to the pandemic, the majority of white-collar employers switched to remote working mode. Organisations focused on ensuring business continuity. We now know that the hybrid model will permanently remain part of business reality. However, modern employers need to look at this issue more broadly than just from the perspective of work flexibility and the expectations of employees and candidates. It is equally important to ensure business efficiency and a positive customer experience, whoas the customers’ reality is also changing and the virtual dimension of business is increasingly important. These issues are particularly relevant for the financial sector, which has been changing dynamically over the last few years, with leading players constantly looking for effective product and process solutions to ensure the implementation of their development and growth strategies.

How to adapt to the new realities? How to combine employee, manager and customer perspectives? What innovative solutions should employers be thinking about right now?

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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