EY Poland invites you to a panel debate that will delve into the intricacies of two major revolutions shaping the future of the financial sector: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ESG (environmental, social, and governance).

The debate will begin with a briefing on the EY report ‘How are Polish companies implementing AI?’, which will lay the groundwork for a rich discussion on the transformative impact of AI and ESG on the financial sector. The panellists / panelists will share their experiences and strategies for integrating AI in their organisations, addressing the challenges of evolving job roles and increasing employee productivity.

Key topics will include the implications of AI on workforce dynamics, the growing demand for ‘green skills’ in light of ESG considerations and the need to transform organisations to achieve sustainability goals. The panel will also explore how these revolutions are transforming HR policies and the evolution of managerial roles in the banking industry.

The event will conclude with an interactive Q&A session, inviting participants to ask questions of the panellists and participate in the dialogue.
Join us at the European Finance Congress to explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the AI and ESG revolutions in the financial sector.

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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