Over the past few years, business has been challenged by new customer expectations for hyper-personalised marketing messages and products, new business models, rapid introduction of new services, consistent service across all contact channels. The organisation’s internal customers also expect automated and intuitive processes, the ability to experiment easily, agility in product launches and, as always, lower costs.

At the same time, in response to these business needs, tools and approaches that accelerate their fulfilment have proliferated and are constantly evolving. Cloud platforms and the advanced software based on them available in the SaaS model – as well as advanced analytics and the ease of developing new products – when used in the right way, can give a huge competitive advantage. On the other hand, their adoption, especially in complex companies in the financial sector, requires organisational effort and multidimensional transformation on the IT side.

We invite you to a debate with leading representatives of the banking, insurance and technology sectors, who will try to answer the following questions: Is it really necessary to take advantage of the opportunities offered by cloud-based platforms and software? And if so, in which areas and at what cost? Is it worth taking this path and, if so, what challenges should be taken into account?

Key issues:

  • In which business/IT areas – if any – there is no going back when it comes to using cloud tools and platforms? Can the IT effectively support the business in current models?
  • In order to take advantage of the benefits of the cloud, do we need to carry out a complete transition and set up a “Cloud First” strategy – or does it make more sense to take advantage in a piecemeal fashion and introduce such changes gradually? What do both approaches entail and what elements do we need to focus on?
  • What trade-offs are involved in introducing the cloud in an organisation? What costs do we incur if we decide to adopt the cloud and what costs do we incur if we do not? How to prepare for challenges related to security, regulatory compliance, human, technological, process and organisational dimensions?
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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