In a panel discussion with top-class sector representatives and subject-matter experts, we intend to address the potential advantages and challenges of deepening cooperation in the field of cybersecurity.

The first subject to be discussed is cooperation inside an organisation. Together we will reflect on the measures taken by banks to improve the speed and quality of risk information flow between the distinct areas and how these measures contribute to client safety. Do anti-fraud processes need to be centralised to obtain a complete perspective on clients and associated risks? Or should we go a step further and add information from other processes, such as AML, complaints, whistleblowing etc.?

The second subject we would like to look into is cooperation and information exchange at the sector level. We will ask the panel participants what the cooperation currently looks like with respect to information exchange and whether it is sufficient. We will think about what an ideal sector system should be like to guarantee maximum protection to our clients.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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