We would like to invite you to join us for a debate on how banks should offer their services to customers who are already used to a simple and fast solutions and who expect 100% of their issues to be handled by a mobile application on their phone. We will consider how to also maximize profits by automating customer service processes.

By using customer data more efficiently, we can tailor our offer to the customer’s current needs. In the last 6 years, more than 1.4 billion people worldwide have started using banking services exclusively on their phone. FinTech companies are raising the bar in process automation and modern customer service, especially in countries where regulators are driving an ambitious digital agenda. Example: Aion Bank and their rep present at the debate.

How should banks work with major technology partners? An external partner will generally do thousands of processes requiring automation faster and cheaper than the bank’s own resources. In the past, banks “controlled” the contact with the customer: in the branch, in the contact centre, at the ATM. Today, when customer service is usually provided via a mobile application, and given the limited resources of IT specialists on the market, it is necessary to use ready-made technologies and the support of external technology partners in order to compete effectively with FinTechs.

Therefore, to increase the ability to capture, analyse and use data in modern customer service, it is necessary for bank boards to engage more with specialists who understand technology and the benefits of partnerships.

In today’s banking, the only constant is change, and technology partners can change organisations and processes often more effectively than banks can with their own resources.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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