The eyes of many international banking experts are on Poland today. VeloBank is a unique bank, even on a European scale, in the resolution process, with a limited time to find an investor. It is strengthening its value primarily by building an active customer base and an innovative approach to banking, based on the latest technologies.

The buyer has a chance to tap the potential of a modern financial institution in an investment-attractive part of the European Union. Also, could the VeloBank purchase deal be a turning wheel in the M&A area of Europe’s financial sector, whose activity in 2022 fell to its lowest level in five years?

Key issues of the debate:

Mergers and acquisitions in the banking sector in the European Union – what is the reason for their limited number?
How does the attractiveness of the Polish economy translate into the attractiveness of the domestic banking sector?
What bank factors in the resolution process are key for potential investors in light of the current macroeconomic situation?
What will characterize the M&A process of a bank in resolution? Is a bank in resolution an interesting asset for investors?
The attractiveness of the CEE region from the point of view of the M&A process

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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