The diverse and numerous challenges facing the sector are forcing banks to react quickly to emerging changes, particularly in terms of technology, growing customer expectations or increasing competition from non-banking institutions.

The debate will begin by presenting the technological challenges that are key to the future of banking. Participants will discuss the opportunities and challenges presented by new technologies, such as generative artificial intelligence, and which could revolutionise the way banking services are delivered in the near future.

The presentation of the EY 2024 Banking Menu and the voice of the Association of Polish Banks will be a prelude to a conversation about the sector’s priorities and challenges facing banks in the coming months. The discussion will provide an understanding of how banks plan to develop and what steps the sector should take to strengthen its role in the economy.

Bank CEOs will also share their visions of where the banking market will be in 12 months’ time and what key barriers to growth will need to be overcome. The debate will provide insights into the strategic directions of the banking sector in Poland.

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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