The debate on the challenges arising from the current geopolitical tensions takes on particular significance for the Polish banking sector. Participants in the debate will discuss how the changing political landscape affects the macroeconomy and what risks this poses for banking. Poland, being very close to a key European conflict and part of the global financial system, has to deal with the consequences of international turmoil, sanctions, as well as changes in trade policy, which may directly affect the banking sector.

The discussion will begin with a discussion of the macroeconomic environment and the key risks affecting the banking sector. Considering the geopolitical challenges, speakers will share their thoughts on how these factors affect banking activities, including risk management. Banks need to be prepared for potential economic and political shocks that may affect their stability and profitability.

The debate will also address the future of the sector in the context of geopolitics. Bank CEOs will discuss whether the impact of geopolitics on the banking sector will increase or decrease, which is crucial for strategic planning and long-term financial stability.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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