During the debate, experts managing IT technology and its development in their institutions will analyse the directions of technological transformation expected over the next three years and create a map of the biggest challenges in the area of IT in the banking sector.

In addition to the invariably important topic of cyber security, the discussion will also cover the use of artificial intelligence in internal processes and banking services, as well as

ensuring business continuity for banks and the development of the digital economy in the context of the current geopolitical environment. Experts will also discuss the impact and relevance of national and EU regulations on the strategy and organisation of IT areas.

Key issues:

  • Implementation of artificial intelligence in internal processes and personalisation of banking service offerings.
  • The role of the banking sector in building the e-economy and ensuring continuity of digital services.
  • The scope of national and EU regulations and their impact on the strategy and organisation of the work of the technology and cyber security areas.
  • The evolution of the hiring model and required skills – what new competences will organisations and employees need in the context of the massive implementation of new technologies?
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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