According to the International Monetary Fund, the developed countries, including Poland, will return to the pre-pandemic growth trend relatively quickly. The fact that the economy is gradually adjusting to the ‘new normal’ may be evidenced by the upward trend in GDP indicators. Although GDP fell by 8 per cent in the second quarter of 2020 (the first wave of the pandemic), the first quarter of 2021 saw minimal growth.

Acceleration of positive trends in economic development requires further dissemination of modern digital technologies, which are applied in every field of economy, i.e. business contacts, customer service, with administrative units, offices and courts. The progress of digitalisation in the private and public sector reflects the level of socio-economic development of the country. Therefore, maintaining the rapid pace of development requires an increase in digitisation rates. The advancement of digitalisation directly translates into the level of innovation and competitiveness of the economy and therefore needs to be properly addressed in strategic plans at both state and enterprise level.

How to effectively support economic development in the new reality? What are the consequences of accelerated digitalisation as a result of a pandemic situation? How to take full advantage of the potential offered by new technologies? What does digital transformation mean for Polish enterprises? Which of the pandemic-induced changes in social and economic life are bound to be long-term? These are some of the topics that will be discussed by KIR [National Clearing House] guests – experts, visionaries, innovators and business practitioners.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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