After five quarters of declines, the first quarter of 2023 finally brought an increase in the number and value of housing loans granted in Poland, with banks granting 21,900 loans, 16 percent more than in the fourth quarter of 2022. The number of transactions on the market and the average prices of offered apartments also increased.

However, the scale of mortgage lending still remains at a very low level, although the industry hopes that a marked improvement will be brought about by the “2% safe loan” program passed by the Parliament. Will these hopes come true? Will property buyers return to the market despite signs of an economic slowdown? Will supply increase, and with it the availability of units in attractive locations and prices? Which segments of the real estate market are likely to see the strongest rebound? Is it worth investing in real estate? Does the post-pandemic economy and regulations allow developers to run a profitable business?

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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