Would the young want to change the zloty for the euro? Dr Marta Penczar, Director of EKF-Research, University of Gdańsk, among others, asked members of the EKF Academy about this. The survey yielded many surprising answers. How to interpret them, in a situation where research by Anna Bichta, president of the Think! Foundation, which examines the propensity of young Poles towards entrepreneurship, shows that the respondents feel comfortable with Poland in the EU. The aim of the discussion, which will be hosted by experienced economists as well as students of the EKF Academy, will be to find out why young people have such an unequivocal attitude to the change from the zloty to the euro.
The meeting will be chaired by Paweł Zegarłowicz, President of the Leopold Kronenberg Citi Handlowy Foundation, which has been involved in supporting young entrepreneurs and financial education for more than a dozen years.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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