Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has been a rapidly growing region over the past 3 decades, home to 140 million people with a GDP of more than $2 trillion. Productivity levels and real purchasing power are still about 25% below the EU average. Workers have very high and internationally recognized technical skills. However, countries in this part of Europe are still at a low level of innovation and lack global brands, especially in modern economic sectors. The scale of the capital market, the number of companies and transactions is also limited. Is the CEE region likely to take an active part in the current technological revolution and be a dynamic investment market?

During the discussion with excellent experts, we will discuss the following questions:

  • What are the current trends in the venture capital and private equity market?
  • What are the most interesting deals in the new technology sector?
  • The main investment theses of the CEE region?
  • How does geopolitical risk, including the war in Ukraine, affect flows and the cost of capital? Can Poland repeat the success of the development of new technology industries of South Korea and Israel?
  • Can banks finance new technology industries?
  • What is the development of M&A financing?
  • Is the prospect of falling interest rates receding and how does the environment of increased cost of capital affect investment and M&A financing?
  • How do you finance the growth of innovative companies – funds, business angels, strategic investors or the public market?
  • Does the region have long-term capital and what role does the insurance and pension fund sector play?
  • What does the availability of financing look like from the companies’ perspective?
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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