The aim of the panel is to discuss the key challenges that the implementation of climate and energy policies entails in the context of the climate-energy transition. During the discussion we will address, i.a., possible answers to the policy challenges in light of the framework set out by the European Commission in the European Green Deal; the main technological problems that need to be solved in order to achieve an effective energy transformation and that need urgent recapitalisation; the role of development banks, commercial banks and public financing in the transformation process; opportunities and threats related to the transformation process, especially in the context of the planned support tools for enterprises, local government and individual customers.


  • the challenges posed by climate policies and the Paris Agreement in the context of the climate-energy transition,
  • regulatory response to the above challenges taking into account the European Green Deal framework,
  • key energy transition challenges for local authorities
  • public-private partnerships in economic transition financing
  • transition opportunities and threats, especially in the context of the planned support tools for enterprises, local government and individual customers
  • the key role of development banks, commercial banks and public financing,
  • case study: banking pathway in the Clean Air Programme.
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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