State housing policy, through financial, organizational, social and regulatory support, aims to enable everyone to meet their housing needs and live in decent conditions. This topic is one of the most frequently discussed in the public space and invariably stirs up emotions.

The latest data on the country’s housing stock and its rate of growth show that in the category of the number of housing units per 1,000 people, Poland should reach the EU average in about 2-3 years. This is very good news. On the other hand, however, we are bombarded with information that demand continues to outstrip supply, that apartments are becoming more and more expensive, that many people cannot afford to buy an apartment, and that the rental market is still in its infancy. An example of this is the May 6 protest in Warsaw against the “Mieszkanie na start” bill, which is intended to help young people buy the M of their dreams.

During the debate, our experts will address this very complicated and multidimensional problem. We want to consider what is the actual situation on the Polish housing market, what is the housing gap, do we have a rent gap? We will try to find answers to the question of what mechanisms are needed to increase supply, as well as to properly manage demand. We will take up the theme of reviving the rental housing market, including institutional rentals, as well as the introduction of REITs. And finally, what should the best and most effective assistance from the state look like?

Get ready for an interesting debate, during which experts will discuss the future of Polish housing policy, presenting and juxtaposing a variety of perspectives – governmental, social, banking and the development community.

For those interested in the above discussion, we would like to make it possible to ask questions by e-mail also before the panel, and not only during the discussion. We will try to include them in the discussion and, if time permits, answer them during the panel, and if not – in writing by posting the answers on the website. Any questions can be sent to no later than June 5.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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