The cloud market in Poland has undergone a significant evolution over the past few years. For the past two years we have been able to enjoy the availability of the Google Cloud Warsaw region, and for the past few weeks the Azure Poland Central region. Three and a half years ago, the second cloud announcement of the FSC was also published, which significantly facilitates the implementation of public cloud in the financial services market. The war abroad, which has been going on for more than a year, is affecting the business continuity risk assessment profile of IT systems and increasing the need for additional data security outside Poland. In addition, the recent breakthroughs we are seeing in AI and GenAI services make it even more difficult to imagine a future without the cloud in absolutely all industries.

How does the state of cloud adoption in banking and insurance look today compared to the market? Are regulations still a problem for organizations or have they coped with implementation? What are the main reasons for Polish financial institutions migrating to the cloud today, and what challenges do they face?

During our debate, we want to talk to practitioners in the financial services sector about:

  • financial entities’ motivations for migrating to the cloud and how they evaluate them in retrospect
  • the course of migration and deployment of cloud applications – whether it happened top-down (strategically) or bottom-up (organically)
  • the business values that the cloud is generating in organizations today, as well as which business applications give the best return when it comes to individual business cases (including modern workplace, MLOps, cybersecurity, infrastructure scaling and business continuity, data warehousing or rapid deployment of business applications)
  • the role of the provider of services and business solutions to the financial services sector – how to make SaaS solutions compliant and secure
  • the challenges they face in implementing a cloud strategy – whether it is still primarily regulations or much more important challenges around talent acquisition, aligning internal processes, or perhaps changing organizational culture
  • the future of cloud adoption – what business areas will change the most and how the AI revolution and the global situation will affect them
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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