The war in Ukraine has a multitude of global and local consequences, affecting commodity markets, trade, financial flows, and market confidence levels. Financial markets are unstable due to growing uncertainty, geopolitical tensions and the humanitarian crisis. Many developing economies are affected by capital outflows and an escalation of lending costs.
Monetary policy tightening in developed economies has accelerated, making developing economies more vulnerable to financial stress. If the war lasts longer, it may further weaken the global economic growth, lead to shortages of certain food products, and increase financing costs and the risk of financial crisis in some markets.

  • How can the financial sector contribute to alleviating the consequences of the war in Poland and in the CEE region?
  • Is the Polish banking sector capable of supporting millions of refugees and is it ready for changes in the labour market?
  • Leading banks globally are already considering how to support retail and corporate clients over the next few years, anticipating their changing needs. What could the banks and other financial institutions do in Poland?
  • How to create data-driven strategies that can help fight inflation and offer protection against the crisis?
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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