The path to decarbonization is increasingly urgent, as the window for keeping global warming below 2°C is rapidly shrinking. The European Union’s main goal is to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, and already by 2030 to reduce CO2-equivalent emissions by at least 55 percent compared to 1990. To achieve these goals, the European Green Deal includes 48 actions in various fields – from the energy sector to agriculture and transportation to public participation in the fight against climate change. However, after the outbreak of war in Ukraine, which caused a huge crisis in the energy market, the question arose as to whether and how this situation would affect climate policy. And, most importantly, whether Poland is still able to meet its ambitious goals. “Net zero” means not only production from renewable sources, but also green, zero-emission transportation and a closed-loop economy. Getting there requires the right policies, but above all, it is a huge challenge for business, especially related to heavy industry and decarbonizing it at the so-called “last mile. The problem is that most of the aid programs and public funds for decarbonization are directed toward the energy sector and focus more on the energy transition than on decarbonizing industry, which accounts for 30 percent of energy consumption. As McKinsey & Company estimates, our country will need to triple the pace of decarbonization over the next decade compared to the previous 30 years. Then it must further accelerate from 2030 to 2050. It is estimated that the transition to carbon neutrality will require an additional investment in Poland of 10 to 13 billion euros per year, or 1-2 percent of GDP, over the next 30 years. Raising and investing such an amount in a coordinated manner is a major challenge for the government and business leaders. Meanwhile, according to the Instrat Foundation’s “Road to Net Zero” report, barely 26 issuers from the WSE’s largest indices have set CO2 reduction targets so far. We are far behind foreign major indexes in this regard, and we also have a problem measuring emissions in the 3 ranges that most accurately show the carbon footprint of industrial activity. Despite many barriers, there is no turning back from the path of decarbonization, as it has become not only a political, regulatory, but above all a social issue. The panel “How to decarbonize Polish business – financing and strategies” will discuss who has the greatest obligation to reduce CO2 emissions, the challenges involved – business, organizational and financial, where to look for financing to decarbonize Polish industry, and the most effective paths to achieving climate neutrality at the micro and macro level.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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