The rapid digital transformation of organisations calls for a range of key competences. The most dynamic technology areas which also have the biggest IT skills gap are cloud adoption, DevOPS/DevSecOps model and process deployments, Big Data/Data Lake analysis and processing, design of AI and ML algorithms, UI/UX design and development of mobile applications. Software developers are also becoming a national treasure. Many organisations, including the Polish banking sector, struggle with talent shortages, retention issues, or competition for the same talents between organisations. According to the most recent surveys, 14% to 20% of Polish IT specialists will want to change their job in 2022. In 2021 alone, salaries of permanent IT staff increased by 22%, and salaries of contractors by 34%, and the upward trend continues. More and more IT specialists work remotely for foreign companies, earning in euros, which forces companies operating in Poland to compete for valuable IT talents on a global scale. The use of external resources by ‘body leasing’ is becoming ineffective.

This session is expected to answer the following questions:

  • How do organisations address the issue of IT talent shortage?
  • When will IT salaries reach their peak?
  • What are the alternative forms of remuneration and building engagement (shares, pension funds, flexible working arrangements)?
  • How to retain IT talents in the sector?
  • Has the traditional ‘body leasing’ come to an end in Poland?
  • Could virtual software development laboratories answer the needs of the Polish market?
  • What are the future of and alternatives to traditional employment models for IT specialists?
  • Will IT specialists from Ukraine (or refugees or economic migrants from other countries) stay with us for longer and can they partially fill the IT talent gap?
  • How to attract IT talents? How can we compete with global opportunities? How innovative should an institution be to become an employer of choice?
  • How to grow our talents? In what training for IT talents should we invest?
  • Does our (bank’s) brand help us compete for talents in the world of technology? How to build a tech brand and not just an IT department?
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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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