Top employees are highly ambitious and motivated by the prospect of top-level personal development. In the technology industry, the battle for talent is particularly fierce, as it often involves a market that is not so much local as global. Particularly in the era of the development and deployment of AI solutions, it is important to nurture specialists so that our financial institutions are not left behind in the technology race.

During the discussion, we will discuss strategies, tools and practices that help companies retain key employees in their organisations.

  • Key barriers to attracting top talent
  • How will the rapid development of AI affect the labour market?
  • Modern employee retention strategies and the role of organisational culture in talent retention
  • Career paths as a retention tool and the value of training and mentoring programmes
  • Psychological aspects of employee loyalty and motivation and engagement versus talent retention
  • The role of leaders in retaining key employees and practical examples of talent retention
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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