Fundacja Liderek Biznesu [The Women Leadership in Business Foundation] was a Partner of the “Leadership in the COVID-19 mode” study conducted by SWPS University. The aim of the report was to analyse the proficiency of male and female leaders, the social relationships and support received from managers, work-related anxiety, and perceived stress. The research project explored the challenges of work organisation, degree of commitment, and workload. All these factors influence perceived wellbeing, leaders’ mental resilience and job satisfaction.

The key aspects we want to address in the debate are:

  • How leaders evaluate this time in their organisations, how they perceive their actions;
  • What impact the situation has not only on the effectiveness of the team, but also on the mental wellbeing of managers and their social relationships;
  • Challenges, barriers and socio-psychological implications experienced by Polish managers.


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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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