Poland is on the cusp of a new era, facing global and local challenges alike. To address these challenges we must now lift our ambition and fine-tune our growth strategies. Demographic processes, technology platforms, energy and resource systems, capital resources and world order will all be key to Poland’s future growth.

 In their latest report, “Lifting Poland’s Ambition. On the cusp of a new era?”, McKinsey & Company present 5 key tasks to help successfully navigate Poland’s path towards a prosperous future. These recommendations will be the building blocks for the inaugural debate regarding Poland’s economic future.

 Considering the impact that both global and local trends will be critical in identifying key priorities and new growth opportunities for building healthy foundations for future generations. Poland faces difficult decisions, that will determine whether we keep up the pace with Western Europe or rather lose momentum, risking economic stagnation.

Key themes:

  • The impact of demographic trends on the challenges for new economic growth horizons
  • The impact of technological advancement and digitalization for the growth trajectory of GDP in Poland
  • Energy transformation challenges and their impact on the competitiveness of Polish enterprises and the economy of Poland
  • Poland’s productivity growth and level of capitalisation
  • Poland’s place in the new world order – challenges and opportunities in the new era
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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