Value from the application of GenAI in the insurance and financial sector – introduction

Discussion of the results of the GenAI x FI study: Presentation of the results of the survey with 68 financial institutions and their impact on practices and strategies

Issues for the panel:

  1. What are banks and insurers using AI for and what are the next steps?
    – Applications of GenAI in practice: A debate on key applications of generative AI in the context of customer expectations and what are the next steps?
  2. The impact of GenAI on Talent and the client-insurer relationship:
    – Changing customer relationships: How are new technologies impacting customer interactions with insurers and banks and will the core competencies needed from talent change
  3. A holistic approach to Responsible AI and customer relationships:
    – Responsible AI: Designing and implementing Responsible AI management, minimising risks in business transformation and responding to risks.
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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