Banking Industry Cloud – a new stage of cloud transformation

Most innovation-friendly bank areas:

– Retail Front Office: channels / customer service, customer segmentation and personalisation

– Retail Back Office: customer processes (such as mortgages)

– Corporate Banking: B2B service automation


– Back Office processes: RPA

Cloud Innovation HUB – providers are invited to create innovative services

PaaS – services ‘set up’ directly in the cloud

Cloud computing is about technological transformation and above all about business transformation

How to transform – the Cloud First strategy or step-by-step deployment?

Do fast deployments and deep transformation always go together?

Information about the “Business in the Cloud” report:

Cloud computing will definitely have a huge impact on how organisations store their data, use infrastructure, use enterprise software and programming platforms, analyse data and implement artificial intelligence as well as other new technologies. Adopting the right cloud transformation strategy may have a decisive influence on whether the benefits of innovations used in products and services for customers and of new ways of collaboration between company employees will be fully unlocked. To hear the voice of the Polish business community – to what extent Polish organisations are cloud-mature, what are the main challenges and what advantages have been achieved to date – we decided to conduct a Polish edition of PwC’s global cloud survey. We surveyed managers responsible for business administration and technologies. We asked them about their expectations, approaches to digital transformation and use of cloud solutions. The findings based on the answers are published in the “Business in the Cloud” report.

The survey was taken in February 2022.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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