What the revised recommendations themselves will change include:

  • ensuring appropriate customer value in insurance products,
  • the remuneration of the entity received for insurance brokerage always determined taking into account the interests of the customer and the amount of the cost of insurance coverage,
  • the design of the insurance product offered must not undermine customer confidence in the financial market,
  • in the case of offering a CPI product, the value of the assumed costs of compensation and benefits (without taking into account the costs of claims settlement, including litigation costs), under the CPI product offered by the insurer, should be at least 30% of the equivalent of the gross insurance premium (subject to the provisions of Recommendation 20.3).

While currently we are only talking about life products, the changes in the future may also include property products, which means a total revolution in the insurance market that has not been seen before. BNP Paribas Cardif was the only one on the Polish market to pioneer a customer value policy from its inception. We are very well known for this and therefore we also feel responsible for this panel as an organizer.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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