The pace of digitization of the economy and virtually all areas of our lives including social relations, is today the main reason why issues of cyber risk, cyber threats and cyber security are steadily gaining importance.

A strong financial sector determines the stability of the state and society. Banks are one of the most important targets for cyber criminals. According to the EY CEO Agenda report, cyber attacks are cited as one of the top five risks to business, and according to other research, the financial sector was the second most common target of attacks by state actors, with as many as 27% of attacks targeting the sector. Its actors are facing these challenges.


We can also see more and more clearly new in technology – artificial intelligence, the metaverse, blockchain, quantum computing – are these allies or a dangerous unknown that needs taming?

Regulators and lawmakers are recognizing this problem and are introducing systemic solutions and requirements to address these challenges, placing many responsibilities on Banks to raise awareness and prevent abuse in this area.


Key issues/themes:


  • Against what major cyber threats are Banks arming themselves? Attacks by organized crime groups, online fraud, threats from states?
  • New technologies – how do we stack up to the scale of challenges ahead – given the current functionality and interdependence of new technologies with factors that frame cyber risks?
  • Are we ready for AI, Metaverse or Quantum Computing? Will they introduce new risks? If so, which ones? What do regulators think about this?
  • Banks as forerunners in the use of new technologies – how to approach their adoption and implementation in the sector? Is it possible to cooperate with other sectors in this field?
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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