An attempt to evaluate the past three decades in the framework of the market and ownership changes. As a state and society, we have made a long journey from statist centrally planned economy to the free market. In the early days of the transition, in the 1990s, we experienced a period of ‘wild capitalism’. Then we went through a painstaking process of privatisation and emergence of private ownership. Later, foreign capital poured in and was invested in essential sectors of the economy. Thirty years later, we already have Polish capital to speak of, which is capable of competing successfully with foreign investors. In the recent years, the state has displayed an obvious tendency to ‘reclaim’ certain economic operators, for instance in the banking sector, and its social policy favours populism and restatisation based on state-controlled institutions and economic operators. An urge has been voiced to establish state control over strategic sectors and the need for ‘national champions’ has been created. What does our market look like today from this perspective? How efficient are the controls? How do the supervisory institutions work? Does the legal system favour business growth and protect the economy against abusive and speculative behaviours? What do we think about the tax system? How to build trust and dialogue between the state and its institutions?
Key topics:
- How far should the state intervene in the economy? Where is the limit of state intervention?
- Do the state and its institutions effectively address the challenges of our times? Does the private business sector play a role in this process? What role? Are we making an effective use of the social capital?
- Do global threats and crises strengthen state interventionism and do the governments actually manage the markets more effectively in this way?
- The origin of capital once again becomes a hot topic in the context of imposing sanctions on Russian oligarchs. Is it a violation of free market principles? Do we really have the tools and legal basis to react in this way?
- Should the market be controlled by means of a supervision and regulation system or should it rely more on trust and dialogue?
- Where and on what grounds are decisions of strategic importance for the future of Poland taken?