The state’s economic credibility (wep) affects business conditions. Some of the economic conditions are determined (set) directly (e.g., tax rates), but most are the result of many influences, including social perceptions and expectations (e.g., the level of inflation as a consequence of inflationary expectations). In general, wep influences economic parameters through such variables as trust, information or knowledge. Wep is a kind of public good, which is and must be instrumentalized in order to benefit from it. The point is that the ways of instrumentalizing this good sustain and produce it, not destroy it. This session will present the results of the second edition of the Index of Poland’s Economic Credibility, developed by a team led by Professor Jerzy Hausner. The Index includes eight sub-indexes for the following areas.


  • Rule of law
  • Freedom of doing business
  • Credibility of public finances
  • Stability of the financial system
  • Labor protection and safety
  • Quality of public services
  • Environment
  • Respect for international obligations.
  • The new edition will present a comparison of the Economic Credibility Index of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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