The increasing digitization of the economy is translating into an increased demand for IT workers. This is particularly evident in the financial sector, where the technological advances of recent years make highly skilled IT workers one of the key factors for success and building a competitive advantage. Of decisive importance here is the domestic talent market, from whose resources financial institutions can draw. A market that, through high quality education realized through cooperation between the banking sector and universities, will contribute to building the competencies necessary not only now, but also in the future. A market that, combined with effective measures to attract and retain engineers in domestic economic sectors, as well as to take advantage of opportunities arising from increased immigration, will enable the emergence of the Polish Valley of Engineers and Technology.

The debate is a continuation of the topics taken up at this year’s “IT in Financial Institutions” Conference, held on March 23-24, 2023 in Bronislawow.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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