There is too much money in circulation globally. Private equity funds are an important investing tool. Risk is inherent to all investment activity. For private equity, the acceptable risk level is generally higher than elsewhere. Does it imply that big funds turn the market into some kind of a casino? Are they creating a perpetual motion machine? Funds achieve spectacular successes, but they may also cause destruction. An example from the Polish market was the GetBack S.A. scandal. Some of its aftereffects are still persisting. Have we learnt any lessons from this experience? If so, what are they? How does our supervision system work? How do private equity fund activities affect stock markets? Do we need to define risk limits and restrict the freedom of private equity funds to invest?

Key topics:

  • The market is the most valuable economic mechanism, yet it requires certain regulation and controls. Does the existing regulatory pathway support or hinder market development?
  • Where is the line between market overregulation and lack of supervision?
  • Does excessive regulation, while restricting the freedom of business development, provide scope for abuse and unlawful practices?
  • What role should private equity funds play in supporting small and medium enterprises as well as listed companies?
  • Is the code of best practice for listed companies a set of respected rules and practices, or does it merely amount to bureaucratic information requirements?
  • What recommendations could we formulate to make the supervisory system more successful in combating pathologies and legal violations without it losing its ability to engage in market dialogue?
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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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