You are cordially invited to the author’s evening of the book, recommended by, among others:

– (…) as a reader of research works, I rarely have to deal with such a well-arranged construction of the author’s argument. Prof. Jerzy Hausner
– (…) was based on one of the best doctoral dissertations of which I was a promoter. prof. Leszek Balcerowicz
– I recommend the book to both academics and practitioners. dr. Tadeusz Białek, President of the Polish Bank Association
– Excellent synthesis of knowledge (…) Michał H. Mrożek, Vice President of the Management Board, ING Bank Śląski S.A.
– Excellent reading (…) Przemek Gdański, President of the Management Board, BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.
– A must for CROs. Piotr Mazur, CRO, PKO Bank Polski
– Excellent guide (…) Prof. Witold Orłowski

About the book:

– Why do banking crises erupt?
– What connects banking panics with Hitler and populists?
– Is it true that banking crises can be economically as costly as war?
– Why, over the past 200 years, have banking crises erupted once every 15 years in the U.S., and not once in Canada?

An attempt to solve these – and other – puzzles is a scientific monograph entitled Riddles of Banking Crises, written by Dr. Kamil Pruchnik.
The book is based on his doctoral dissertation, which received the BFG President’s Award

About the meeting:

– During the author’s evening, Dr. Pruchnik will summarize 10 years of research on banking crises carried out under a Diamond Grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
– The presentation of the book will be followed by an author’s conversation with the Leader of the Responsible Finance Club at the EKF – Andrzej Reich
– During the event, there will be an opportunity to get the author’s autograph

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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