The primary objective of the Bank Guarantee Fund is to promote the stability of the domestic financial system, guaranteeing deposits but also carrying out forced restructuring of financial institutions at risk of bankruptcy. A test of sorts for Polish institutions responsible for guaranteeing the stability of the system was the recent process of rescuing Getin Noble Bank. What conclusions can be drawn for the sector from the GNB resolution? How challenging was it to rescue the stability of the Polish financial system, requiring cooperation between state institutions and commercial entities? Has the introduction of such resolution solutions into our legal order been effective? And finally, what else awaits the failed banks and their customers, as well as the Polish financial system? Among the representatives of the most important institutions participating in the forced restructuring of Getin Noble Bank and one year after the completion of the most complex resolution in the European Union, we will talk about the biggest challenges related to this process, the special role of supervisory authorities, but also about concerns and the future in terms of setting standards for this type of processes in Europe and following the example of Poland, which is excellent evidence that Europe should learn from us how to save banks.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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