1. Risk management involves the identification, assessment and control of threats to an organisation’s equity and profits. These threats arise from many different sources, such as economic uncertainty, legal obligations or technology and image issues. An effective risk management programme helps consider a full range of threats faced by an organisation. But where should we start?

2. Digital technologies entail new threats to businesses, but may also make risk management more efficient by opening new possibilities and unlocking options which used to be considered unfeasible. How do technologies help better identify risks?

3. How to integrate geopolitics in the technology strategy. Technology and data geopolitics pose an immense risk to businesses across all sectors and regions. While CEOs often see how technologies and digital innovations affect their businesses, they tend to disregard the impact of geopolitics. What key geopolitical risks should be considered in a technology strategy and approaches to risk management?

4. Risk transfer is gaining in scope, and its instruments (insurance and relevant agreements) are more and more often used for protection against a wide range of threats: cyber-attacks, climate change, geopolitical risks, terrorism, business disruptions, and so on. What ‘risk transfer’ services are most needed today?

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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