Technology is evolving at a dizzying pace, digitization is changing the way not only individual service users and citizens function, but also affecting the operation of public sector institutions, entire industries and individual companies. A lot has happened in this regard in recent years, although there are still areas where a lot of work remains to be done in the context of digitization.

Participants in the debate will talk about what has been achieved, priorities in digitization, the role and importance of solutions, based on new technologies and their impact on the economy and social sustainability.

Experts participating in the conversation will attempt to evaluate the real potential of digitization to contribute to building a digitally friendly and secure state, both in terms of public sector services and commercial sectors.

The debate will provide an opportunity to consider the extent to which progressive digitization can become the foundation for the dynamic development and effective functioning of a modern state.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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