• The Polish banking sector serves more than several million SME clients, at the same time the SME client prefers leasing products (more than 60% of SME companies in Poland finance their investments through leasing).
  • Leasing products are a significant tool for banking groups for effective acquisition and customer loyalty, especially from the MMSP sector
  • ZPL’s research, Indicator’s research on SME customers, and PSMM’s analysis shows that customers expect a comprehensive, personalized, and fully digitalized service process, support in achieving ESG goals together (e.g., decarbonization, energy transition, circular economy, sharing, vehicle electrification). How are leasing companies, and how are banks, adapting to these expectations?

Key questions:
– How to shape an SME banking offering that supports the customer experience?
– How to “work” a leasing product with an SME customer from the perspective of building a long-term relationship?
– How will the leasing market evolve from a financing market to an asset management and customer experience market?
– What is limiting the industry’s growth and meeting customer expectations?

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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