The expression ‘May you live in interesting times’ is never out of date and has become even more topical. It is hard to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week or next month. New days bring tough challenges, such as social, economic and geopolitical crises, are abound in unforeseeable developments, create more uncertainty, call for creative solutions and often force us to act out of the box. What role does technology play in this disruptive period and how will it impact the effectiveness of business ventures? What should the technology solutions of the future be like?

How experience and the events of recent years affect the way companies and financial institutions approach business continuity risks – what does the experience tell us? How has technology proven its worth in the recent years?

What kind of technologies can help in designing a sustainable future? What role do technologies play in risk mitigation and work continuity in institutions? Which tools support real-time responses?

What barriers are Polish institutions facing? Is collaboration a must? Barriers to the implementation of new technologies are experienced by most businesses: more than 84% of organisation struggle with artificial intelligence (AI) deployments, 65% with cybersecurity solutions, 65% with cloud solutions, 62% with advanced analytics, and 56% with robotic process automation.

How to reduce business costs with blockchain? Distributed ledger technology (DLT) spending is soaring. It passed the USD 4bn mark last year, having increased by more than 50 percent year on year. According to Statista forecasts, it should reach USD 18bn in three years. A Deloitte study from 2021 shows that the development of blockchain applications was seen as one of five priorities by executives from global companies.

How to expect the unexpected and respond to threats using artificial intelligence and advanced analytical algorithms? Which tools help detect threats and mitigate risks?

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European Financial Congress10 - 12 June 2024


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