The global economy today cannot do without data – its widespread use carries unprecedented potential. The growing role of open banking solutions, consumer data protection regulations and open data initiatives testify to the dynamic global development of an economy based on such resources. It is already apparent that the responsible use of data will have a positive impact on economies and communities around the world.

As the role of data grows, it becomes crucial to maintain trust in the companies and institutions that process it. This is a multidimensional challenge. On the one hand, data should bring tangible benefits to consumers, businesses, communities and economies. On the other hand, both the data and the conclusions derived from its processing should be protected from falling into the wrong hands. More challenges are on the horizon, such as the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning.


Key issues of the debate: 

  • How to manage data responsibly and ethically?
  • How to take into account the diverse interests and build alliances of consumers, companies, financial institutions and public administration in data processing?
  • What tools must be developed to ensure data security and consumer trust, especially in the financial system?
  • How to ensure the free flow of data, while preserving its protection?
  • How can the financial sector support the processes of opening up and using data?
  • Is it possible to build a coherent data ecosystem in Poland?
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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