• To what extent can the energy and digital transformation needs of the economy be financed through the capital market? What should be the scale of reallocation of accumulated savings so that we keep pace with other EU countries in the transformation?
  • How to fit the Polish capital market into the ecosystem of EU markets and exchanges without excessive centralization resulting in the threat of capital flow disruption and domination of the largest markets over regional ones?
  • The dilemma of the trend of expanding market regulation in the European Union: do the benefits of capital market security and investor protection win out over the costs of issuers?
  • The attractiveness of the domestic market on the global investment map for foreign investors – what determines the allocation of their capital to Poland? What issuers and instruments are they looking for?
  • Technological challenges: what innovative solutions are decisive in attracting, retaining and lionizing domestic investors so that their capital finances the development of our economy and not others?
  • Is the private equity market crowding out the capital market in terms of meeting the needs of businesses in Poland and abroad? How dangerous is the capital gap between Poland, the EU, and the United States?
  • Poland and the EU are facing a demographic crisis – how does the shift in investment motivations toward long-term retirement savings change the offerings of financial institutions?
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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