• The food production sector is a relatively large emitter of GHGs and affects other environmental issues. There are many opportunities (levers) in the sector to reduce and primarily remove GHG from the atmosphere.
  • The Bank is a natural participant in the food production ecosystem, in addition to the financing thread, it acts as an entertainer, an integrator of transformation. It has transformation products on offer.
  • We want to do more. However, we know that according to the CSRD, the biggest emissions in the value chain occur in Scope 3, at the producer level. That’s why we are coming out with an offer for food companies to transform their suppliers.
  • Regenerative agriculture practices are one of the main levers of decarbonization in the food production sector – and here the KLIM solution.
  • Cooperation and integration of activities – of the regulator, the market and financial institutions – is necessary, the transformation must be profitable.
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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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