Topic scope:

  • financial needs and expectations, as well as financial and pension awareness of the young generation
  • Attitudes towards finance, saving and the pension system of people at the initial stage of their careers
  • challenges to saving for 20- and 30-year-olds
  • the role of financial institutions in the pension security system from the perspective of the Y/Z generation
  • responsibility of the youngest participants for the pension system

Young Poles face the prospect of receiving pension benefits from the public system of about 25% of their last salary. Maintaining their standard of living in retirement requires them to save a significant portion of their income and invest responsibly. Finishing their education, they lack the knowledge and financial prowess to skillfully manage their finances over the life cycle. At the same time, the number of retirees will increase significantly over the working population during their working lives. Taking care of young participants therefore seems to be a prerequisite for the sustainability of our pension security system.

How do young people assess such a prospect? How is their confidence in the system? What would need to be changed to increase this confidence? What ideas do they have about the pension system and their future in this context? What should the offer and communication of financial institutions offering long-term savings products look like? During the panel, we will seek answers to the above questions, based on a survey prepared especially for this occasion

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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