1. Technical and regulatory issues:

Energy labels for household properties (alignment with other EU countries)
Access to the energy certificate database,
How will regulatory changes affect households? (showing the background of the changes/needs)
Why is it necessary and how to build customer attitudes towards investing in renewable energy sources?
What are the key challenges/barriers in this area? (each participant from his/her area)

2. The role of government institutions and local governments in the process of adapting to new regulations (EPBD) – financial support/subsidies for customers making renovations.

What are the needs and problems of clients? What are the key challenges to overcome? (Renovation cost, higher construction cost – subsidy element important in customer decision-making)
What are the key factors for household purchase and investment in the area of energy efficiency ?

3. Financing of renovation and financing of household properties compliant with new regulations by banks.

Offer dedicated financial solutions/products.
Do product and service offerings meet customer needs ? (New product solutions tailored to new circumstances – are they needed, etc.).
What problems/needs should financial institutions solve, and what problems/needs should the government/self-government solve?
How to motivate customers to improve the energy efficiency of their property? How to reach the customer? (Showing the benefits of the renovation process, purchase of real estate compliant with the new standards, maintenance costs, savings, impact on the price of real estate, etc.).

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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