block 1: The landscape after turmoil in the economic environment

introduction – presentation of current observations and possible trends for the future;

changes in the real estate market related to the economic environment 2020/21 (inflation, war in Ukraine, CHF, WIBOR, regulatory issues) – their impact on the current market situation – assessment of the current situation;

real estate market forecasts – what forecasts do Cenatorium and panelists have for the market in the next 2–3 years

block 2: New risk controls resulting from new sources of information and the ability to digitize various elements of the lending and credit monitoring process

the new role of real estate assessment with dynamically changing economic conditions and circumstances

use of automated property assessment as part of algorithms for overall credit risk assessment of a transaction and in the collateral portfolio risk management process – opportunities for optimizing processes (reducing valuation costs, controllability and speeding up the process), capital requirements and risk costs (PD and LGD).

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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