The beginnings of the European Financial Congress stemmed from an urgent need to discuss solutions to the financial crisis of late 2010s and prevent similar developments in the future. In the following years, the EFC focused on debating the innovative and safe future of the financial sector as a guarantee of financial sector stability and sustainable economic growth. Ten years later, the pandemic has once again forced the attendees to discuss the role and condition of the sector in uncertain times as well as responsible finance in a new crisis reality. This year, with the military aggression of Russia near EU borders, it is high time the EFC debated finance for values, for freedom, democracy and international solidarity.

The subjects of war risk, consequences of sanctions and the need to rebuild the war-stricken Ukrainian economy was emerge in many congress sessions dedicated to subjects such as cybersecurity and technological change in finance, a broad range of ESG considerations, or challenges of rising inflation. The Congress was attended by representatives of Ukrainian financial authorities as well as financial and development institutions from the democratic world.

The main focus areas of the twelfth edition of the Congress this year was include:
– new international order – what are the consequences of changes in the East?
– credibility of a currency and stability of the financial system
– responsible ESG implementation
– challenges of digitalisation and cybersecurity
– stimulating growth of private investments and capital market attractiveness
– financial institutions and their clients
– role of the financial sector in supporting economic growth

The last day of the Congress was feature three round table debates:
– round table – macroeconomic challenges and forecasts for the financial sector
– round table of banking risk 
– round table – map of technological challenges for the financial sector,
culminating in a debate of CEOs of Poland’s top banks – map of challenges to the banking sector.

As every year, the Congress will deliver recommendations on financial stability and economic development of Poland and the EU as a tangible, hands-on outcome.

Main themes to be discussed at the EFC in 2022

Only at the EFC

EFC participants

Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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