Adam Pers

Vice President of the Management Board, Head of Corporate & Investment Banking
Adam Pers
mBank S.A.


Graduate of the Poznań University of Economics, Faculty of Economics. In 2008 Adam completed Executive MBA program at the Warsaw School of Economics. He gathered comprehensive banking knowledge and experience working in three institution. Adam started his career in WBK S.A. and then he was working for several years in Raiffeisen Bank in Back Office, Corporate Banking and Financial Markets. He moved to Warsaw in 2004 running two major projects in dealing room, being also responsible for one pillar of the strategy. As a member of The Operating Committee during financial crisis he was responsible for liquidity of the Bank. Awarded to TOP Performer and Leader of the Year. In 2012 Adam joined BRE Bank/ mBank where his first task was to restructure financial markets area. As a result employees motivation increased and the income grew significantly. Than he was promoted to the position of Managing Director. Additionally to his previous responsibilities, he integrated cooperation with financial institutions and later with Trading area. Tangible outcome of those activities was improvement of motivation and engagement of employees and dynamic growth of business. The governed area is well perceived by customers. From 26 October 2017 Vice-President of the Management Board of mBank S.A., Head of Corporate and Investment Banking.

See debates:

Adam Pers
mBank S.A.
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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