Bartosz Hojka

Member of the General Council of the Lewiatan Confederation.President of the Management Board, Agora Group S.A.
Bartosz Hojka
Lewiatan Confederation, Agora Group S.A.


Bartosz Hojka. Creator and co-founder of media, including Radio TOK FM, Radio Zlote Przeboje, Rock Radio, Stopklatka and Metro TV channels.

For the past 10 years, he has been chairman of the management board of Agora, which during that time has strengthened its position as a leader in cinema (Helios) and outdoor advertising (AMS), entered the field of film production and distribution (Next Film), and began expansion in the radio segment by merging the Agora Radio Group and Eurozet.

Under his leadership, Agora became a leader in the digital transformation of Polish media. Gazeta Wyborcza was the first in the country to implement online subscription with great success, ranking among the European leaders. At the same time, Agora has developed a number of innovative ventures in digital content and advertising – including programmatic, providing services to online publishers in more than 30 countries around the world through Yieldbird.

Member of the Supervisory Board of WAN-IFRA, the world’s largest organization of publishers.

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Bartosz Hojka
Lewiatan Confederation, Agora Group S.A.

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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