Elżbieta Czetwertyńska

President of the Management Board, Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.
Elżbieta Czetwertyńska
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.


Elzbieta Czetwertynska was appointed Citi Country Officer Poland / CEO Citi Handlowy in June 2021 and in June 2022 received additional responsibility for Ukraine.
Prior to her current role, Elzbieta was Citi Country Officer for Switzerland, Monaco and Liechtenstein, based in Zurich. She assumed that role in March 2019, after a five-year stint in Latin America. Before moving to Switzerland, Elzbieta was Citi Country Officer, and Corporate and Investment Banking Head in Ecuador.
Elzbieta has been at Citi for 30 years, working in different countries in Europe and Latin America. She joined Citi Ecuador as corporate bank relationship manager in 1994. From 1999 to 2003, she was Head of Transaction Services, Asset-Based Finance and the SME segment in the Dominican Republic, before moving to the United States for a year as internal auditor covering corporate credit for Latin America.
In 2004, Elzbieta moved to Europe where she joined Citi Handlowy’s risk management team in Poland and was appointed Senior Credit Officer a year later. Her last four years in Poland she led the Commercial Bank business.
Elzbieta returned to Latin America in 2013 as Head of Citi Colombia’s Treasury and Trade Solutions business, where she successfully developed and executed a dynamic growth strategy.
Elzbieta holds a BSc Hons in Food Science, Economics and Marketing from the University of Reading, England. She is a certified coach in leadership and sales programs and has facilitated several risk management trainings.
She served as President of the Board of Directors for Amcham Ecuador, as well as board member of the Ecuadorian Banking Association and Junior Achievement Ecuador Foundation. In Switzerland Elzbieta was a board member of the Association of Foreign Banks in Switzerland. At present, she is in the Board of Amcham Poland, the Polish Banking Association, and she serves as President of the Board of Citi Ukraine.

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Elżbieta Czetwertyńska
Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A.

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