Ewa Małyszko

Ewa Małyszko
PFR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych


Manager with more than 20 years’ experience on financial market. Currently the CEO of PFR TFI, previously she has run such institutions as: PKO BP Bankowy PTE, KGHM TFI, SEB TFI.
Engaged in projects related to financial education, woman career development and financial advisory standards. She conducts workshops and participates in debates, sharing her knowledge and experience. Member of the EFPA Poland Council and EFPA Poland representative in Standards and Qualifications Committee EFPA. She sits on the programme board of the European Financial Congress and board of the Chamber of Fund and Asset Management (IZFiA).
Graduate of a prestigious Programme for the Executive Development for senior management at the IMD Institute in Lausanne and the organization management programme at the Wallenberg Institute in Sweden.
Co-author of Employee Capital Plans (PPK) project. She has been also actively involved in creating a concept of Individual Pension Security Account (IKZE). One of the 25 most distinguished people for the development of the capital market in Poland according to the Parkiet newspaper.

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Ewa Małyszko
PFR Towarzystwo Funduszy Inwestycyjnych

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European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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