Igor Tomecki

University of Warsaw, "The impact of the problems related to the rule of law on Poland's long-term economic growth - a wise Pole after the damage?"
Igor Tomecki
University of Warsaw


Igor Tomecki – student of Finance, Accounting and Insurance, Management and Law at the University of Warsaw. He gained his professional experience working in the Business Development and Regulation Division of the largest telecommunications operator in Poland. Scholarship holder of the Rector of the University of Warsaw for the best students. A keen Oxford debater, a participant in the finals of the Polish Championships. From high school, announcer and author of interviews with many figures from the world of business, politics and culture. He has a wide range of interests, ranging from macroeconomics through commercial and consumer law, banking, management theory, sociology, psychology, entrepreneurship, to the history of the Polish army and politics. Privately, he is a great enthusiast of new technologies and runs his YouTube channel. A keen DIY enthusiast and Star Wars fan. He associates his future with new technologies and the development of his own business.

See debates:

Igor Tomecki
University of Warsaw
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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