Jerzy Gajewski

Jerzy Gajewski


Graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology.  He took his first steps in his professional career in Gdańsk in the year 1972.  In 1977-90 he built his experience in Iraq and Kuwait providing services in e.g. the preparation and supervision of investment projects.In 1990 he founded NDI S.A. – the development and construction company specialising in investment organisation, supervision, and execution.  NDI has a track record of participation in a number of major investments in Poland, to name e.g. the construction of the northern section of the A1 Motorway from Gdańsk to Toruń, revitalisation of the Sopot City Centre, Sheraton chain hotels, office and service complexes for major banking and insurance institutions.  In the area of infrastructural projects NDI takes up road, railway, and tramway investments.  The Company has twice won the prestigious Forbes Diamonds.  Jerzy Gajewski has rich experience in working on corporate management and supervisory boards of e.g. Buildco S.A., Cocefi Polska, Pantera Holdings Ltd., and Gdańsk Transport Company S.A.  He has served as e.g. the advisor to the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk, the Polish State Railways, the Airports S.A. company, and the Ministry of Spatial Management and Building in the cabinet on Hanna Suchocka.  In the year 2009 he was conferred the title of „The 2008 Employer in Construction” and in the year 2012 the title of „The Top Manager of Pomerania 2011”. He died in December 2020.

Jerzy Gajewski
Wybierz wydarzenie
European Financial Congress2-4 June 2025


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